What makes people love where they work and keeps the best talent knocking down their door?  Company culture.  The culture you create within your office space sets a tone, gives people a reason to keep showing up, and makes for happy employees.  Asses your work and company culture and see if there is anything you can do to give everyone a little jump start.

Group of employees laughing and sitting on bean bags

Think Bigger Than a Mission Statement

What does your company stand for?  Hire new people and groom current employees with this idea in mind.  You can shape the environment at the office by agreeing on a direction and culture of your company and moving forward with it.  Get everyone involved and see what they would like to see from culture at work.  Gather all ideas and come up with not only your mission statement, but a culture statement.

A Reason to Work

You want to motivate your employees to feel like they are contributing to a greater good.  No matter the size of the company, you always want people invested.  It gives them a reason to keep showing up and motivation to go the extra mile.  Creating culture makes these happen naturally without it feeling forced.

Employees with all hands in center

New Goal Setting

A big part of motivation is goal setting and achieving.  Motivate your teams to set and celebrate goals, not just by the numbers and the bottom line, but use other benchmarks for success such as group efforts and personal growth.  Get your teams involved and see how they each measure success.  It might be different for everyone and it’s important to see what matters most to individuals. 

Office Moral

Happy people make happy workers.  Keep the morale high by being supportive in the culture you have created.  Maybe you are going to all agree to talk less, listen more.  People who feel heard feel more accomplished and ready to take on new ideas and tasks knowing their thoughts and opinions will be valued.  Creating a culture that is open and communicative is a great way to start.


Treat your employees and coworkers with respect and value their contributions to the workplace.  Agree to disagree when necessary and understand that everyone has different ways of approaching things.  People are much more motivated and productive when they feel they are in a safe place where they won’t be discouraged or disrespected.  It’s important to emphasize these ideas in your company culture because it’s taking care of the people who matter most. 

Creating culture is a sure-fire way to get everyone inspired and working at the top of their game.  Think about how you can take steps to make your workplace an even better one.

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