You might be one of those people who works in a really cool office where you are encouraged to be yourself and where there isn’t a strict dress code.  Even if you have a loose dress code, expressing yourself and keeping it professional can be hard for some.  They think they are mutually exclusive of each other.  If you take some time to think about it and put forth some effort, there are plenty of ways to show off your personality without looking unprofessional and unkempt.

Hair Colors

If your workplace doesn’t have restrictions on hair color, you might think you can play with the rainbow on your head.  We all know what these people look like and can agree it can get pretty messy really quickly.  This doesn’t mean you can’t test out fun colors, but you need to strike a balance of fun with well groomed.  If you can afford it, consider having your hair professionally colored as there is a world of difference between a botched box job and someone who knows what they are doing, particularly with colors.  If you have an unnatural color in your hair, make sure you are allowing time to style your hair properly in the mornings and make sure the rest of your outfit is put together and elevated to create an overall polished look.

Professionally dressed woman holding work binder


Expressing yourself in your choice of clothing is a big opportunity.  Rather than wearing a T-shirt of your favorite band with a pair of jeans, consider enhancing the rest of your outfit, but still incorporating that same shirt.  Try putting a blazer or sweater over the shirt and classing up your pants and shoes.  Expressing yourself is an ebb and flow of self-awareness and knowing how your image is going to play in a professional setting.


Footwear is a great way to define your personality, but there are some basic tips you’ll want to adhere to keep it professional.  Take care of any scuff marks on your shoes and always make sure they look clean.  Your outfit can be spot on, but if your shoes look over worn, it conveys a message of sloppiness, which ruins the whole look.  Ask a friend to give your advice if you are having a hard time letting go of your favorite sneakers that aren’t looking so hot anymore. 


Who doesn’t love accessories?  This is probably THE best way to showcase your hobbies and guilty pleasures, even if you work in a very business suit world office.  Companies like Alex and Ani and Pandora make jewelry for all kinds of fandoms and obsessions.  You can represent your love of Harry Potter while keeping it neutral and professional everywhere else. 

Expressing your personality at work is a rewarding way to stay true to yourself.  No matter what your office setting is like, there are ways to feel liberated and keep it professional at the same time. 

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