Resumes typically can be pretty boring – professional fonts, a bunch of words, responsibilities, endless experiences – how can you stand out from the crowd on a piece of paper?  Thinking outside the box and trying a couple new things on this very important document could be the difference between making it into the interview room versus just sitting in someone’s inbox.  Here are a few ways to set yourself apart while still maintaining professionalism and being hireworthy.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Think of your resume as a snapshot – what draws your attention and what do you see?  Before a potential hiring manager reads a line of your resume, it should convey a strong message of who you are.  Use different resume formats to stand out.  There are lots of graphic designers who specialize in formatting words in a way that is eye catching and attractive.  Take a page from their book and search for some new ways to present the same information.

Up close image of man holding resume

Creative, Yet Professional

A resume can be a great way to be creative and showcase who you are, but still look professional.  Add a photo or a little “who am I” section – these are much more eye catching that a typical mission statement.  Think of how many resumes people must see in a day.  What can you do that’s in the realm of your career and job type to express a little creativity?  Take a little liberty, especially if the job you are applying for allows for some fun ways of thinking, and try something new. 

Special Skills

Rather than a list of all your unique (and some not so unique) special skills, take an opportunity to be a little different with this section as well.  Use charts or interesting stats to showcase your abilities and talents.  People will be more engaged looking through your visuals than they would be just staring at a list of words.

Proofread and Proofread again

Please proofread your resume.  You want to be taken seriously and this begins with dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s.  You don’t want to stand out in a negative way with poor spelling or grammar.  Have at least two people proofread your resume to ensure you’ve checked everything.

Take your resume to the next level by giving it a major overhaul and presenting the information in a unique way.  It might take a little trial and error but keep on going until you find what works best for you.  Test out some different ideas and see what gets you through the interview door. 

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