Finding the perfect job is hard enough as is, but nailing the next step of the interview can be the biggest feat you’ll encounter on your job quest.  Sometimes it’s not always about the best answers and coming across as the picture-perfect candidate.  Refresh some of your skills with a few of these ideas to be a magician in the interview.

Trick Number One: Show Up Early

Doesn’t really seem like a magic trick, does it?  Do you know how many people struggle with the illusion of time?  Give yourself plenty of time and show up early.  This is an easy way to show that you care and are eager to meet with your interviewer.  Nothing says an automatic “no” like being late to your interview and giving the person a reason to not like you right off the bat.  Showing up late wastes everyone’s time, including yours.

First Impressions Are Everything

From the second you park your car at the building, you are on stage.  Even the front desk personal might be asked their thoughts on you and the impression you gave.  Put your best foot forward with everyone you encounter on the way to the interview, you never know who you might run into which will save you any embarrassment later.  You know that lady you cut in line and were rude to at Starbucks?  Oops, she’s the one conducting your interview.

Smiling woman standing and shaking hands

You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

Part of putting your best foot forward is being approachable and friendly.  Having good manners and smiling at people can be challenging for a lot of people.  Even if you are super nervous, smiling will help calm you down and give you a sense that everything is going to be okay.  You never know how a smile can brighten up someone’s day, especially those people who could be your future office mates.

Be Honest and Open

They tell you to never lie on your resume, and the same goes for in the interview room.  People can tell when someone isn’t being genuine with them.  If there is a question that gets thrown at you and you weren’t ready for it, don’t be afraid to pause for a second to think of your answer.  People often feel like they need to fill the space with words, which can come out jumbled and chaotic.  If you are feeling the urge to fill the void, start by repeating the question as you are answering it.  You don’t need to have all the perfect answers at a second’s notice.  It’s okay to think before speaking.  If there is a certain skill or job task you are asked about specifically and it’s not your strong suit or you don’t have any experience in it, don’t fret.  Spin it as something you’ve been wanting to master, which is what drew you to this particular job opportunity and its responsibilities.  People always love someone who is honest about their limits but are willing to push them.

Successful interviewing skills can be honed, but at the end of the day, sometimes it’s completely out of your control.  You need to be able to accept this and not take it personally if you never hear from them.  Put your best efforts forward and be proud of yourself.

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