When you go to work, you will come in contact with all different types of people.  Sometimes this can be an exciting prospect, while others, this can be the most difficult part of being in a group setting.  How can you constantly keep your cool and remain professional even when people push your buttons?  Try a few of these ideas next time you are pushed to the edge.

Agree to Disagree

When it comes to people, everyone was raised differently and have unique ways of seeing the world different from our own.  You can choose to embrace this or dig your heels in and refuse to ever see anything other than how you see it.  In order to maintain a productive, professional environment, do yourself a service and make this your mantra – agree to disagree.  Even if you 1000% disagree and can’t understand why someone would think or say something, it’s not up to you to change anyone’s mind.  Move on and keep your opinions to yourself.  No one likes someone who has an answer or retort for everything.

Respect for Everyone

Going along with disagreements mentioned above, everyone you come in contact with deserves the basic right of respect.  You don’t have to like everyone in this world or in your office, but you do need to respect them.  They are people with their own ways who more than likely might not gel perfectly, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t someone who deserves respect and kindness.  Just keep reminding yourself you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone.  Be confident in your work and ability and leave the drama behind.

Relaxed man at work

Don’t Get Dragged into Drama

There’s a reason office gossip is a thing.  But when you get down to it, it doesn’t make you better at your job or a more likeable person.  It doesn’t give you promotions or raises, so do your best to remain neutral and don’t engage in the easy pitfalls of gossip.  If you are in a group and they start engaging in gossip, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom or grab a snack and hopefully it will blow over by the time you return.

Button Pushers

No matter what line of work you are in, there will always be those people who push your buttons and know exactly the right combinations to make you blow.  Don’t let these people get to you.  Easier said than done, but if they see they can’t get to you in the first place, they’ll move onto someone else.  Don’t engage with these types, just let them say what they have to say and wait for the dust to settle.  You’ll come across as a stronger person for just avoiding easy laid traps.

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