Burnout from working too hard is a real thing.  Your work suffers, your sanity suffers, and it inevitably creeps over into your personal life.  To keep yourself fresh and ready for anything that comes your way, you need to conserve your energy throughout your workweek by being smart about how you spend your efforts. 

Employees having a meeting with man standing

Tackle Things Together

The power of numbers takes a huge task and makes it more manageable for everyone involved.  Think about how you can incorporate group efforts in the bigger tasks at work.  If your boss assigns you an extra job and it feels like it might be better as a multi-person task, ask if they would consider a team effort.  Then you aren’t shouldering the whole project yourself, keeping yourself sane, and making a good impression all at once.

Utilize the Strengths of Your Teammates

Just because you have to take on a solo project doesn’t mean you can’t crowd-source for ideas.  Look around your office and take note of people who possess certain strengths that can help you out when you need a little extra nudge.  Everyone has their own unique way of working a problem or seeing something differently, so don’t be afraid to ask around if you need some new inspiration or a different take. 

Work Short Breaks Into your Work

You feel most productive coming at something with a fresh pair of eyes.  Even if you feel you don’t have any time to waste, it is imperative to take short breaks throughout the day to give your mind a chance to reset and refocus.  Taking a short break may feel like it’s taking time away from work, but it is actually giving you the gift of more productive time later on when you really need it.  Allow yourself some distance throughout the day and you’ll feel less overwhelmed in the long run.

Leave Your Work at the Office

It’s so hard to leave work at work, especially with cell phones and constant e-mail access, but it would do yourself some good to try to set boundaries when it comes to work in your personal life.  You aren’t getting paid to work off the clock, so unless the building is burning down, people should respect the limited time you are away from the office to recharge your batteries.  If you allow your personal life to be invaded with work, you’ll never fully unwind and relax and it’s a slippery slope from there.

Ask for Help

Never be afraid to ask for help.  Some people try to view it as a sign of weakness, but it’s actually a sign of self-awareness.  Try not to get hung up on trying to prove yourself around the office and ask for assistance if you need it.  Don’t try to take on the whole world by yourself.  That’s one fast way to burn yourself out.

Preventing burnout will not only keep your work life happy but keep your personal and mental life thriving as well.  Reflect on a few of these ideas next time you are feeling overwhelmed and need to take a step back.

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