We have heard how important sleep is for us since we were children. The only problem is the older we get, the busier our lives are, and the less rest we seem to get. There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything in our personal and professional lives. Because of this, we end up giving up our hours of rest to stay on top of our tasks. Unfortunately, this is the worst thing we can be doing, especially when it comes to keeping up with our professional duties.


We lose sleep to try and complete all our duties, but we are damaging our productivity. Without enough sleep, simple tasks will take longer because sleep is linked to many of the brain functions we need. A study done in 2004, tracking the mistakes of medical students, explained how vital sleep is. They found that those who worked extended hours made 36% more errors than those who were getting the correct amount of sleep. Getting a full night’s sleep can make your hours more productive, meaning you won’t need all the extra hours to complete tasks. 

Physical Ability

Do you have a job that needs to be physically capable as well as mentally sharp? Sleep not only can keep your mind sharp but your muscles as well. In 2011 they studied a group of basketball players and found that those getting more sleep had faster reaction times, speed, and accuracy. Who knew that getting a little rest could help you physically perform to your highest ability. Whether our jobs need us to function physically or not, it would be best for us to have our abilities sharp.

Man sleeping


Depression affects all areas of the lives of those who struggle with it. There is no way to turn it off when you leave home and enter the office. One cause of depression that has been researched extensively is the lack of sleep. Insomnia and depression and linked in around 90% of reported cases. The exact cause of depression will vary, but this shows that there is a link. Could the cloud of depression be lifted or altered by getting a full eight hours of sleep? Many professionals agree that sleep is a massive factor in depressed people and can be a preventable tool.

Immune System

The most common reason to miss a day of work is that we are sick. Sick days are not beneficial for our employers or us. We get behind, and they lose out on our hard work. Getting enough sleep can boost our immune systems. Studies have shown that those sleeping the correct amount are less likely to catch a cold, even when exposed. Our bodies need those hours of rest to reset and heal.

We all set the alarm to know when it is time to wake up and start our day. We need to begin arranging the alarm to tell us when we should be starting a sleep routine.

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