Silence is not easy to come by, with all the devices we have in our lives. When we get up, the first thing we check is our phones. Our phone has social media, music, shows, everything that brings noise into our lives. The car radio brings us to work, where we are surrounding but talking and the sound of a typical office. Finding a moment of silence may not happen until it is time to fall asleep. Many benefits can come from bringing calm and quiet into our day.

Brain Break

When we want to relax, it is common to turn on the T.V. or radio and zone out. This is not giving our brain a break that we think it is. Studies done found that silence was more relaxing than soft music most would call relaxing. Any noise keeps the neurons firing. Complete silence gives them a real break. They found that two hours of silence a day helped cell development that aids memory. If we need anything to be successful in our workplace, it is to have a better memory.


Creating a space that you can grow creativity is not very hard. You need to be able to allow your mind to work in some silence. The more stimuli you crowd your mind with, the less likely it will become for you to grow your unique thoughts. Real creativity should be given a chance to grow without the input of all the noise we surround ourselves with. Even those in careers that don’t need to be creating new content can benefit from some silence. Many professionals have found that when given time to contemplate silence, they can find solutions to difficult problems.

Man working


Take a look at any pharmacy, and you will find a section dedicated to going to sleep. Sleep is something that our bodies need and crave. Why is it so hard to do? It is so hard that scientists have designed medications to put us to sleep. A study done by JAMA Internal Medicine showed that carving out time in each done for silence and meditation can help us sleep better. Instead of paying to sleep, make time in your busy schedule for silence. Take time away from all the devices that run our lives. Add silence to your nightly routine. Technology has improved our lives in so many ways, but sleep is not of them.


Remaining healthy is essential to not only us but also our employers. Healthy employees come to work. Moments of silence each day are proven to improve our health in many ways. One study found that just taking two minutes of silence can lower your blood cortisol and adrenaline levels. This simple practice can also lead to reducing your chance of having a heart attack. Such a simple method can change our health. 

Silence can improve our lives and working ability in too many ways to ignore. Include silence in your daily routines!

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