Climbing the Corporate Ladder during a Labor Shortage

The current labor shortage has led to many people seeking advancements and salary increases in their careers. Here are some positives and negatives that come with the territory. Positive- Use Other Job Offers As Leverage The sheer number of available jobs work in your...

Do I Have to Work in my Degree Field?

Do I Have to Work in my Degree Field?

After you earn your degree, there’s a lot of pressure to find a job in your field upon graduation. You selected a major and you’ve dedicated years to studying that topic. What if you graduate and decide you want to do something else? Do you have to work in your degree...

Ground Rules for Relationships at Work

Ground Rules for Relationships at Work

Spending forty hours, if not more, at work means that most of the people you know are there. If you are in the dating stage of life, it may feel like it is inevitable to date someone from your work building. There can be a lot of complications when this occurs. Learn...

Gadgets That Make Work Worth Doing

Gadgets That Make Work Worth Doing

Work doesn't have to be all bad. Many things can make it more enjoyable, and one of those things is the gadgets. You may not need new tools to get your jobs done, but that is not a reason not to look. Why not have something cool to help your tasks get done a little...

Hair Tips to Get You Out the Door Faster

Hair Tips to Get You Out the Door Faster

Everyone has their hair care routine. Some are extensive, and others are simple, but we all must feel good about the end product. Unless you are trained in hair care, you have been doing a trial and error your whole life. You are finding out what works best for your...

Conversation Topics to Avoid at the Office

Conversation Topics to Avoid at the Office

Getting to know those we work with is vital to having a good work environment. Some things should be shared, and then there are topics that you should steer clear of. Work friends are not like regular friends. If you misunderstand or end up in a fight, you still must...

Change your Life with Sleep

Change your Life with Sleep

We have heard how important sleep is for us since we were children. The only problem is the older we get, the busier our lives are, and the less rest we seem to get. There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything in our personal and professional lives....

Every Working Parents Needs a Family Calendar

Every Working Parents Needs a Family Calendar

Every working parent knows that keeping track of everyone’s calendar is a job in itself. Work calendars, school calendars, extracurricular calendars, the list goes on and on. If you don't check each calendar every day, there is a chance you had a moment when you...

Stay Organized and Maintain A Healthy Life Balance

Stay Organized and Maintain A Healthy Life Balance

To stay centered, we need to have the right balance in our life. Being too focused on work will cause our personal lives to suffer. On the other side, not enough attention to our livelihood and we will see a decline in our quality of life. Maintaining that balance can...

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